Work Samples

Portfolio Sample

Sample Portfolio created for Career Foundry Coursework

Weather App

Ruby Weather App created for Skillcrush coursework


my photo


When I was in high school I took an advanced programming course and hated it. I loved working with computers but back then it all just seemed so tedious. Writing thousands of lines of code just to do simple tasks. Debugging said code was even more painful for me. Now many years later I have decided to pick back up my old passion and do something that I've always loved to do.

I'm a Civil Engineer by day and a Web Developer by night. After one year of self study I enrolled in the Career Foundy Full Stack Web Developer Course. I aim to produce beautiful and functional web applications for people to enjoy.


  • Web: CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery
  • Hardware: Macbook Air, Lenovo Yoga2 Pro, External Monitor
  • Software: Sublime text2, Pixelmator,

Frequently Asked Questions

I love the web, a lot! So, I wanted to be able to make the things that I enjoyed. I also wanted to change my career to one that was challenging and flexible as well as lucrative.
I typically work with small businesses. But I am open to working with individuals and groups as well.
That really depends on the project. It could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Contact me if you have a project and need specific information.
Html, CSS, Ruby, Rails, JQuery, Javascript, Wordpress and Bootstrap. A variety of tools to get the job done right.
Yes. At the moment I am currently available for freelance projects. Send me an email and I’ll be glad to discuss it with you.


Thank you for visitng! If you like what you see then shoot me an email. I look forward to working with you.

Address: Opal 234, Noord, Aruba

Email Me:
Call Me: (678) 653-6473
Picture of desktop